Building on the previous successful collabration of Sporton and ASUS in obtaining the world's first Wi-Fi 7 low power indoor device (6ID) certification, we are pleased to announce ASUS has acquired the world's first Wi-Fi 7 standard power access point (6SD) certification by collabrating with Sporton again.
The Automated frequency coordination (AFC) system is developed to protect incumbents by determing available frequencies and the maximum permissible power for standard power access points and fixed clients, ensuring that incumbents do not receive any harmful interference on the 6GHz bands.

Reference: AFC_System_Reference_Model_v1.0-AFC System Reference Model
To obtain 6SD certification, the grantee's product must not only comply with the AFC protocol testing requirements, but also receive the FCC's authorization through the Persistent Inquiry Approval (PIA) procedure. In the PIA procedure, it's required to submit the documents, including a Geolocation General Description, a Geolocation Justification Report, and, if applicable, a Geolocation Accuracy after Power Cycle description to FCC for review.
This PIA authorization of the Wi-Fi 7 standard power was completed under the tripartite collaboration of Broadcom, Sporton, and ASUS. Broadcom developed a phone app system for determining the geolocation and obtained the PIA authorization as the First PIA (FPIA). By leveraging this solution and conducting technical discussions with Sporton, ASUS became the Second PIA (SPIA).

If you are interested in this aspect, please feel free to contact VP Leo Huang.
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